
A large handsome antelope with long twisting spiraled horns displayed by the males. They are predominantly browsers but will eat grass under exceptional circumstances. The main rutting period is mid winter with most births occurring during the summer months when a single calf is born after a gestation period of approx. 210 days.They live in small family groups generally not more than 12 consisting of females and calves.Males join the groups only for mating purposes.

Kudu are mainly diurnal being most active in the mornings and late afternoons.They run with their heads level to the ground with the horns laid back to avoid being entangled in branches. Kudu have acute hearing and are able to turn their large rounded ears in almost any direction. Kudu are ruminants and have a specially adapted stomach divided into 4 sections. Kudu will issue a harsh bark as a warning cry at the threat of predators such as leopard, cheetah or lion.


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