Knob-like horns are present on the head and are more developed
in adult bulls.
Giraffe are mainly browsers using their prehensile upper lip
and long tongue to grasp vegetation.
The giraffe has a distinctive walking gait, moving both legs
on one side forward at the same time
At a gallop the gait changes, and the giraffe simultaneously
swings the hind legs ahead of and outside the front legs, reaching
speeds of 50 kms an hour.
It's heavy head moves forward with each powerful stride, then
swings back to stay balanced.
Family Life
They breed at any time but usually at the end of the rains having
a gestation period of 15 months and only one offspring per birth.
Giraffes have a highly efficient blood circulation system. Their
heart beat is 150 times/min as compared to an elephant at 25 times.
This prevents dizziness when they move their heads up and down on average through 6 metres when drinking water
This prevents dizziness when they move their heads up and down on average through 6 metres when drinking water
Defence Strategies
Bulls fight one another by necking, testing their strength by
pushing like human arm wrestlers.
Ancient cultures in Africa revered the giraffe, as some modern
cultures do today, and commonly depicted it in prehistoric rock
and cave paintings.
The giraffe is generally a docile animal but has been known to
kill a lion with a sharp kick of it's forelegs
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