Sable Antelope

A majestic and handsome antelope with a shiny black/dark brown upper coat, white underparts and inner thighs.
Their facial markings are black and white with a long erect main which runs from the top of the neck to the shoulder.
Both sexes have horns which are long, transversely ridged with a very pronounced backwards curve and long narrow ears.
Principally grazers they will browse particularly in the dry season and are dependent upon water.

Sables live in areas of light woodland-especially "miombo," a mixture of bush and grassland- but usually avoid open, grassy plains.
The Sable is a seasonal breeder - dropping their calves between January to March with a single calf being born after a period of approx. 270 days.
As with most species the sable cow leaves the herd to give birth and the calf remains hidden for some time before joining the herd.

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